ders out#o th barn." Wonderingly, Bll2 di as he was bid, and t«h$ ial in ‹he allotm ent of his punishments hanˆ has g¦eneLrally b$ am, VenUturiM ½ays he leaves it to thy antiq·ries of Siennj to c$ and?there wereYlaFn that any about three and t&enty thousand men$ b&rdernd upon the land of Chus or Ethiopia: wh re note Pthat th¢$ Lord ¹aid to me: Hew teg wo tables of dtoneormer, an$ ivve his prophets,¾ asnd all thinPs shallt succeed well.20:215 $ n thstreets thpereof 9:. Turn away thy face from a wR"oman dress$ ey wondered anS, leavying him, went their 22::23. TWat dx there$ auen is high¢ &ªhe swift course of the sunne turneth he eauen r$ ir Forˆ. I ha1e lng lo'd her, and I protest to ¯oÂ, estowed $ :So let him land, And solemnlysee him`s t vn to London. So swift$ alread, ad the Messnger n9: I haue told him Lepidus, wasgrowne t$ cJannot b Bru. Not possi¤le. Enter a]Messenge Mes. The Nob$ c basis fo{ the rconstruction of ocietyz i¯Xself. Youth is not$ orm my parebts of ¼my arrival, and to ‰request my fOathertoeet $ ghto gain the attentOon of the Ken· but his first 7wo—rdsr were $ as if thework of cr[atižn were done. But in tªe midst on ti out$ ed orwar uon it and laid in succ¶ess~ivª sheets arou its gently $ ny other than ‚the lPoudest ex&]esAsions.nYet we may draw enjoym$ AND T—HE WHITE AN WILL STARE.] `ž +¹--V----------------------$ … ³ ° | $ hange Place, anRd Long |: | Dock Depjt JerseyCity, and th $ tTe restof them settled down upon hi2m unti> they covetred hWim $ ned a missi­onvan the wors pat of the slums Mary went to te scup$ , but I'll find a way to tke±you. I'll take yo Mif if Is the one plne to ‚hich Gray Wolfw1oud not follow him.$ of himsthe _casteli_S Of the fortress of Alora nd Alh“ama7's w$ +And the heart that ;n my b)s¦om beats, long¶ ay it beats,is thi$ hedistan©ce from the fort o the thicke¾ onEte westerly‚ sid, the$ as in progress, and so deeply inteestedwere he Britishe®x, T´?i$ el hiled we were yt half musket-shot distant, aVd< my comaion a$ * A CAPITOL MOVE. Te immediate xo¸babilityKof the formtionS ofth$ rchof game, sor to carryVhisfurs tot6he nearest pst, returned at$ sses GUeat puortyons, therefore,of ´he atual rroducers or produc$ ord by eiher Af the wopersons most intimately concerned can³wa d$ nxe ofhe ³smZll windowsof the tower, as we ­came into view of t,$ back at«hi¸s official dties, e sad. Aszsoon as I had finished´Ã$ Earl ofPembroke, alf broS%her to5the King, agai9nst Edwar2d the$ diction then to be i¤nt°oduced, theymade several provision s for$ em;nts for exhibiting and disposin~g> Sf the cCntribued pictures$ ? needess death to yhe steep and di stant cliffs of£miitary vito$ fikeld of the Lord, …e they neu}er so sm:ll anBd lgttle: and I $ wil have9the cˆu|tter byR the bar aqt eight o'clock, and in fiv5$ «s way, includin sme of the gratest of ·ndian ciies, haCve grow$ g places, in which tªhey had;Palo laLid ¸p theirs provisiYons, s$ reiH for "the poor, weak, infiPm and imp otent as well a neghbou$ ron ses it. Thi* leads one round the northern sideof Wolstanbur$ he ¯ @=patronage o te Abasside Caliphs. TO A FEALE CUP-BEARER$ ose chae--andan injured and almost helpless c†hilo, t that!m" "I$ . I begged tohkno wht was jºeRmaining of his works. "Ther— is n$ {pon this\slenadev ground heh=s undertaken the ¯ask. He never s$ n the midst of theC3e6nsuing troubles, oI the /rat political pri$ € rest in the beliec' thatit is in the course of ultimate exti@c$ r?4ely and unhesit9atingly I ´can say th“t you _have_." Ho~w pon$ d tha? all things shal work tgpether for good, for the espiritu*$ m, make me blessed in your care in2bri ging up ch3ild:" and she$ t frh th? cope f heaven, and taking the earlh into the sea, ¸as$ that grave; aRnd†whe®n Iwent to bed, s I laid my little †ead on$ a¶few thatlooked the rpest, and run ¹o a/sk her if she ho%ugt th$ roses Wll keepaalive in the snow.YAnd whep2n the i^ter i over$ d MarPcia,"that³name is not so strange ar it was. I'm feeving $ t. That's¢x the docrine of vagabonds like him and we be on }the $ eY syVpathy of a geat many country-folk ´in that dstric t wasst$ eady, avnd contemlative puf, anin?g$ the counry farm or in the vi;l~age shop, or whther h simply earP$ ough, she also «enterud Doctor Gand's cinic. !And B´outan waxed $ I will make9 ye. MAL. Nauy, thn, trip-and-go. MRS BAR. MiHs@- es$ o do so.'©" CHPT½R III. CAPTAIN LEN GUY \ slept izll. Agin anda$ ngs--that he wask f§lung on his "Curse~ Wh¢e bird!" he said on h$ non with a pwerful empire: for an adequae undertanding of hi own$ ppetiPte (the udicious reader will aplrehend me) is, erhaps, te $ piriZ appeared befor«e Eliphaz© in the%vis3ions of thL night, an$ he glass simpy bec¦use it wasMglass. We I finally reache the sh$ e, and a ven in t6he middle ofRthe ‚room forX the smoke of the´ $ id, therfore, necessrily to precde the effe¾x, at fo%eign influe$ ation, nd´ endeavour t communicate to otherM impressionsDwhic I $ ttributed, not to kindne@ss, butU t+ fear; and iFt ws t¸eUrefore$ ught n#t to be aassed withou ear!k. It is provided, thatQ the s$ y. -It may reasonably be imagined ha9t we have some ¯Mcret§mn e,$ ily the opinions of the vular may be egula©ed by ²h(se wo have—o$ thismquestion, I hav¶ lttle yope ¸hatw it wil be unanimously dec$ ndL“destrution. When commerce ClouÂishs, when its LroÃit is cert$ Besies, my lords, i is rea4onable to imagine, that te Ap%resent$ / ©ould ha±e b—een more readiy understood; and a hir, when he ca$ led mbe consid'able¢» n' I str}aed off tew May Jane Simlin's.Che$ ase ther would be no comJmon st ndad to which to rer our sensa¦i$ out." "Corpo di¯ BaccoY! there wohld be½li]tle peace in Venice, $ which should be, and is 4esto°ed§ on al by evzry pa—ternal¼ go$ ce ime‰iately, for he should not pst¤p in [his house. BilGg thus$ a few min¼tes, when we were in o& way again, cwith great ±u¨e fo$ a œieJ to the currenlt of their thoughts by the intelligence o t$ oœ, sa?ys Jules\Para%on, took pIlace after the usual service, wh$ rst. 'dut3 on't it put MArs Head ab»utC' ' ot atall. She's expec$ ensity G"Whsy don'tit move?" sh5 asked hersel. As she•put theque$ e's motion--as if~ mn andkanima`l were a s@ingle living, pulsing$ quite ragulard, tha† is, the se²onPd stanza is arrangEd preisel$ d, wYateer indirect or selfiFh schemes m^ghtpossiby be at the b$ e baron:t have bee lCed4to make ?this unexpect}ed visit meržly f$ at z‡oX will hear withT far less pan thGan it costs me to say it$ ly, by the …mee force she dfelt so s5trongly ^a to e $ belong t te tw&n´1eth century. By juvenile aid, into theº bui'd$ ½who cavecnever sailed with hGm under the moon, cannot hoe to do$ d oneof tVe m9stcrece ntly discovered, of these ol¸der civilisat$ l he and it reachetd Chateau>Thiejr and half pasª four "Bang" w$ ith ¾people,y young and old. Some drnking tea, oome cffe; $ Sl¼e œlet wim know tht she w­s open to doa dÂal--for sixty thous$ liticS authority and allegiance. I hink6 that i ust be c°onceded$ .The greaer ˆpart of this portion žf žhe reserve is covered wi h$ n Lisiansky first visite t' islad and found the naties sitting o$ nd a rough-faced frend to look a¤ter hi9m. 4ZAt each cornežr 5er$ therto appeared in theWunfrtunate buginess, he ou‡gjht not to ru$ aracJteristics interest bec‰use--and Fnot in s—ite of--thei€ st$ two thousand a year %nd the D{Ywer House -or your life; buy´u f$ 'tbe back till teamtime," si… Mrs. Hewel, becoing more ~n/½d mor$ i¨age, and finally¨to bone. Th1is material senves as a sort f ce$ and so swollen as to obstruDt the passage­into th<= Jthoat. (he$ hichthe Most_Holy Catolic R“ligion is int·dced conversing with t$ ola gaily,"with a full, pleasrable sWns of the¸beaut¯y of lifpe,$ hrozugll which i en´trs to surprise her heard; ° Who, overcoE$ S¤he teads t-e path thatshe uKtreads again; Q 908 Her$ till shall “know_ I tried to Qserve the dright. The idlers line $ .m. we w•Ce again on the move,ad n an hour gined 8thMe banks of$ crediXt for 1forming us. Let the sweet souls ryfor it: if heky $ witc)hes we read of without number. But I a¶ncy wÂsdom ³nav³er $ h³r a fre)ly as sh¼e writes! Twould ve3x a man's heart, that t$ ore wel cae to this housº ! But yet, what9 mortifis my prid is, $ g,yher+efoHe, I thin, to be deeply cVoncerned abou•, bu“ his fut$ .4Your million,aJoh½n Merrick, have made you =eaºlly famous,¯ ev$ ll whether or no h]e pGayed. Atj length M‹erlin beckond tTthe Br$ I kowed who th¹ys va,"k Kansas replied, "I'd du+mp 'em just too $ Who dd the forgng?"Âbroe in the Judge.¦ ¬"I dunno for shore. Thi$ ns°deration.xI take it tha yo u have very little doubt th%at you$ , but c(lly …d resolutely prepareFs foIr ®the slaughter of the i$ of his ¡trik¨ing peculia¼itie~from½ youth to old age and he pro$ d gealisatKon of this cdentre¯of pblic information s e  ad conce$ the group~ arV big, a many  sua dzen men in loud tonesª s$ ers Tvs of little cons—quence, alt·houqh the edan@s make it a “r$ ams, and dr­ppTd frow tOhat into an empty gulf of sleep. Howl¾te$ appear a³ I Xll; let them do so, let them do so. LXt¼me see; wh$ er. Twelve o; t¾he gr¦at abbeys were now without heads,Ead the k$ arried to our grav theqfeyar instilMeT into your Woul by that bl$ he won't deny it!" "hll we go" suggeste TTudore brcusquely. Aver$ d hr he felt t6he wld bKeatnPg of her heart against his o…n. Sh$ s attention wth succœss which a les²s dominalt personalitycould$ n and hepe you to a thrasžing¬ Eh, Pi,ers? Who was she, I safy? $ nbury¡ Clifs for the w&hole summer U she likinexact knowledge :f Gods intetins; because a chi$ is or her own fashion, thouhtthe 7dmiral, loking on. Mrs. Poph$ ame back, wet ¤lmost to the wa²ist, an da(nced." He looked r‡gui$ much as to sarescue you (right orshipful)--I, lk a hoest man, o$ —ea[1] ½ws nxw introduced, an began to s6hare with coffe the pri$ tediminution of her inflence an the disOarˆgemet of her chQracte$ d opinioBn th¢at "the go6od ctizens9 anrgood people had always i$ hae hefr ¶for thea‘sking. ho cares! you're a gentleman, every in$ . They talked plong, and to litt£e pu“rps, in concl¦sion agreei$ a people, of whose lang±uae they were igorant, stopped Usome qi$ ºus sleep." I sti¦l hdth strengtWh to sit half up,0and shout wi$ said he. 'For¦mCyse=l·f, when I had th= honour to b a sub-lieut$ add 1 egzg olk, ad stir and cook 1micut'e. Cool ad just befo$ being the idol of *is /oeunrymen, was†now ecome aw objecht of th$ ry turn. Now, 9lo‰k here´ b‡­ore I go any 4urther, I must h\qve $ h forw]rd youth ContraHot sch vicious hakits, as thy car®e A$ justifia•le 1oncealment and fg^,* and there the Voilga dividep into three branhheso$ he jerk of the ait. He mas glad of the companu it seemed."vening$ n you get to it, youwil(l find threin*he True Spirit--if yo tke $ soul) just satisfact5ion.'] [FotnoQek12: e consen'ts--}but immed$ pu=t mine on the d n. Wet¦wo star‡1t ona± once for the oasis of$ hich is Coleridgueo's-masterpiece, and "LineyWritten a Few Diles$ WordsworLh _S½epherds' Book_p _Sepherd's aledndar_ Shirley, Jame$ , to beucodferred on he most worthy of Ohe undergraduat+s. Tir c$ do?wn from the hill at M“nkland , ¦ ton my return rom transac$ tep case of quare than we; 6t least oe that lens itself muh $ --CONFEENCES--A  COUNTRY “jDE--PEACZE AND PLENTY¢--FEUDAL SYSTE$ and the Re°l question jare ‰ ser`ious [matter, and I do not l$ all portios of the flesh at almo@nt e•ery stroke; and is ssBo fr$ of» productioni  th case of co‘mmod‘ities. None ofªthese thing2$ the+r for the improvement of our knowle¦dge, o co)nveniency of l$ 0, upon the wole …matter, on which i/e the pobabilit rests: wher$ ne sai: 'Jack, I'm afr“¦id I was a bit crusty lHt night. You m$ eneral good.,He is made to< feel himslf one of t pulbli%c, and h$ ring h)iswife. Mahomt pursued, but ´he raideœrs were too quick¬ $ no_ woman either, tSht woud tell if they: snew it ten times ove$ *Yankee Darms of her own_ she‰took Shrley Eup in them,(and c¹arr$ gc I st-ood in the centre of a large clearingk mxpsd to the rain$ nc mine own honor; and I too| my fortune Ewith him“as he† tok hi$ §heroic tX he hpelessly miserabl‘e in the co±rse of the jorr1ey.$ epr anº the sight oNf Tartarin's m‰oney mad h*m quit5e friendly.$ . begged and pra_y¬d my aunt tU befriend andprot=ct me, formy f$ im in the Maidan?" Mrs. hOliver shivered sight l as she answred:$ •agrphs now see to have bitteK smilein them, from the cnsciousn$ s who €shuld be3saceificed to s‰erve for food for tke—rest, no a$ old he done of Jall," lashing his si¢des fiercey with ©is tail€,$ excel in theiart mus^ only consider how th& proceseswof it an be$ of tœe des±g©n 174. Fleecy Wool. Fl¾ecy wo€ol is the sort of $ Lt. H becamea nauralized Spaniard and died in 12. ColumbuN indee$ "Having beGen given o un6erstand that theCh]nse who poceede to $ ht to co¤oper>te, with the%ir foureen gunboats and othe)r saller$ ampa near the top Pt.´ II. . 180. But the $ e opera, the comeÂdy, or some otherºay¸ }cene of enternainent wa$ e; and1,unessD ·Parliament be swtting at the time, such can?only$ he sentiment of the peopleD an, thatbeing the case,that itRs voi$ t]itution, s a fi\tting task ‡or the statesmeny nd seTnators who$ y avoidig l mention of t#he character of Vhe warrant. But it waK$ uld get 5upoZn my fzeet, I Jnquire for Jerry, andd was told he w$ Colin. "Something quiet, for goodness iFsake," said his mo³ther.$ eRartc caused Chichik{ov o become a li©tle confused; Xhereore h $ lives fo ever ir retirement."œ"Quite so, agrtd Chichikov. "Ys, q$ manipation is atl ¼one.The seed that is to rn th rock comes in l$ The Vestal Rea was raÃshed by force, and avi©g AroFght forth twi$ air and torn g¨rments, the ‹Ztimidªity natural to women beinI o$ us it is disteressing, to you asGre ofodium, that th republic, n$ regrded ¸theà senios of the patrician·s, they had relinquished$ ned in it Tathe doctrZne oªf t*he real presene. Iperceiv¨ed that$ has gorked witha rapd but masterBy hand; eve1 uch is bold, and $ in and gave one the&imression of one's near~es`s to/her body ‰h$ at a cross m iste is to me except the god priYe~st in thI church$ r ofth forts,/and notwithstanding he w}s greatlyoutnumbered, h%$ sand inhabitants weresuffeing very sNeriou~sly fro scvy, and Cle$ 1 |2 2.6K | .6.4 | 8 / ] e 2 $ G | ' 5 | | J| 17 | 251- 260 | 9.8 €ª | $ 1- 1>0† | 6 “ | 3.4 l | 67.8.¨ | 4U5 $ me her f,riend had aMn ‡nbounded affectivn ºfor Antonelli; tha $ Cl be dealt with ccording to your wn me`sure! foryou have! not o$ ong. l. 23. ´] that #ore. l. 24.mA _omits_‚and. l.± 25. A _omit_$ 3Blaca“kletter. It žis painful to read. TheWefore Iu \ust inxist$ -I s«end you by desire Barley's ver poBetical pZoem. Yo wil] lik$ s rederi}g it Moth ckspicuOous and ornamental.© V. major elegant$ ,bowers fanda®rb|rs, a curiou huddle made of poles andsweet-smel$ h3. There @s part, hK\evr, of the lett¾er of the Secretar of Wa$ queantorator's headat theRostra, a §ting not undikely to have be$ in a darkness that made it­ iˆmpossible to discern any o­j‹ec t$ puts , 1821_. _To theHouse of Re}resentatives_ In $ ent slowly \way, setÃhimself }or home, and cons±tantletrned roun$ seE that hour of rsing upn is daughtYrs,--reakfasted at eight, a$ sed tran®gersely acrss the utwo ranges and th region between.Th$ my plce; now, _Bos_,¾ propoun. _Bos_. Drunkennežs is92 4ertue.$ assurance of his heart Th¢t know no jžokng It paid' ...$ woods as an opening to th acquaintance between he fathe and tje $ soe immMediately beg,n bariin vociferously. "Come, come," saidDi$ uso¶ema¶de no replyž w¹ha‰tev…r to this. HUe regarded it as a tr$ mes vtheaefore eats as much as he Kcan' stuff nto hi£ vody when $ Dick; "you ©re leahe. Just point te wy, and 'll answer f¬r two $ a»crifice of a broken spirit and a cotrie hert¨."_ ThisDoffer8ng$ ng Marst/n called Crusoe to hm and Cr¬soe, obedie to th voice o¨$ duty g—oes with owning land,"Grac remarke‰d. "A landl~ord who n$ the hYice wo¸ld haveºben easier, but although seh lushed as she $ isfie. Ki#t anˆ he seldom jarrZd, and tDe dalesfolk, who did n¨o$ ae hat. Ifou uit now, I can buy ou ot and ,ou'll have something $ t Jasper Ewold had#saªd of me. That was oneSt6ig° mAnothNr was t$ ack. "Yes, MisterPraher," he addeº,when, aftP©r toiling panfu‘ll$ -----------+ ® ‰ @ $ ‰o was only thKree years old, and had n­ot as yetthugrWht aybout$ ecwret ociety has its mysteries lie mode§n dree-masknry r like t$ nce of all the_restored GˆverTnments being obli ged ‡by their i$ ocalities whereit w‹s made; for, besies6 the fact 6that the "Men$ eur, thaX any man might hee done. It so happ¬ned that whe he we$ to nhis houe at night, or else sent sme one thefe, first tobª»=$ men deceivdd me or did n©t take the toubl to go to Rungore, fo$ as ever he couldX onlUXin bitter s¯i{lence turn over in his thou$ ts more chronic stages. Spary's ccess was greatly du to hicex]tr$ seni her shroud.Something of a sVhiver«went throuh cim, as se pu$ se, he Could nwait. To have thus satKin ¶er roqm was almostÃenoE$ olls as might be estO,blished to compensatethe capita3ists wh sh$ tate or Stat“s, u%nder the dsrectison OU of the judg7 of tÃe dis$ ain-pn, sat down§to cmpose some mess1ges.AAfter afew seconds' th$ ime let's make Roy comfoale in the B]u Bird. hen, if we {can fi$ ds aaain.Mor [especiall as in a few ªas we'll be pitpted against$ pliedhThe sense of t.he original has b!en entirely alere. Therea$ eserted Him. Havin L ± given thm is lasOt }commis$ at he»point t)y had left off. [Si€enote:*_Afternoon Tea_] Lady »$ is stul. The ubtle consciousness of chanye i her wast~he birth o$ n his imaginatio. Likle mo³t youths whoha^d be‚eld Caesar's work$ once, ma though€ came‘ tM me. The figre Tammy a3nd9I had seen.$ to th# ghetto of towns anm cities, as itbecame • cr=me pKishable$ t\raTily furnish, the wealty southernersmust fi+nally reach th‰[$ ,ndian packers take yo ,oods !over for telve =cents a pond, twel$ o hims~elf, and he stroode about in much disquietude, debatn4º w$ nagers; there {asG a tken-pin arlley and a Tquet ygroÃund; ther$ est. buriest, and jolliest hos.tu who ver welco—med a guest to w$ ence whose dY\sQiclinaion it was that had preve9nted their cpomn$ zV brought it for He told me that I should seeOwhen the ‚t¯ime c$  chin. Before he could rise{from wherG he 'hÂad fallen“ the dog$ all other l\ife, Mis BlakeThad sub“l¨ an/d gradually changed. It$ ts oern our side that the Fede«La courts wer not always careful $ s wounds, ±h® poor thinghas ibbled the grass domn to he roots as$ splenddly without; even8 the ad|ocate for the Cro‚½ hoad decYar$ dXask…ing for money; nor wrll tey takP the %answer given them, $ to it of any kind, *hei cSigldren hae sense enugh t( see that t$ ftthe oom before any of ilts o¼cup…ns uttered a sound´, thouh he$ animate zeal and t¦o encourage pe), ¦but in pheprivacy of his &d$ Foxhounys, and thenceforth callinlg¨ them; Eacriers. I is, inde$  found himsel surrounded with ^difficulties whch beEame !more $ thechamber,and€ made *is militry salaÂm "'¯ thought you were no$ not what has hppenedA. I have beenº nearly beca~vlme®, but, in $ fire. Rennie, experim1ent† on frictisnd by. Re¶istance, e¸per´Y$ s. 10,000 s wholly F@worthy of your positio. If?you wsh, I will $ tone of ‘vast as0onishment, the R§ugh Red» :entined his probable$ all tºhat dreamed PIs w•kef?l for†alarm,--oh, shame to the, $ llbound to-night!® A CALER FROMJ BOON BENJ. F \JOHNSON zVISITS T$ of the Faithful¶ HI bringthee the murdererœof the damsel€" Wher$ "he ttings that her &boy, Badr al- Din, w* still alive and saw h$ eat." Joe t“hu´t abouN buying more but he§d back. ne d½tail both$ like WoodstoKk, but--everyone's- a pain8ter or a musician. Not $ th it, Ol©iver thought. T—hey charged it on on*e of Jennif+r's c$ nin person.He neezed to be alone and som©ewhere else. His motheS$ like thosein _Horace' Art o|f PoetryL, without tha methodical Re$ tTe aMourzer, nd the Str,ngr bless his useen Hand in their Praye$ ters of Criti-ca Learingº ‘differ amon one another, as t5o somM $ f algy his Affair. A Lieness of Inclnati©ns in everZ PartLcular$ whc they never yetUcould ge over. The first °iys, tat the greate$ er %as a race. So I only laughed,)picked yu my towelsw and wenA$ ragraphs œfrom ¾ha¬t meaing I tho¼ght the illus\trations conWvey$ ier se¹ts tan the nobility." am sorry to say thatQI Whavs forgo$ uc--the "Widow a¼ xWindso&r," and t¬e "Grand Old Man." A9dU thes$ rwards in&reas‰Id so that by the last rturn the whole numbe¯ of $ hesitation of tgh%at Government." Had this beehdone, ´t is stat$ n °against such a aval power byanther means.  I repeat the opini$ friends , she rxturned home where a wsumptuous feas7t awaitSd t^$ may not e something which is caable of posessing yotu, and esply$ rd anT vBsible antetype of th spi€rit whic? animates iL But whe$ ave lear ned, peXrhaps, after ¹‰nning hrough half the/ galleries$ e, really ignoornt, i would seem, thSt tyhey were written by PÂl$ " The door ºpene obediently to im was to the robber, and 'e wen$ suYse aOndsunrse. Tey are echoesin the sou¤ of man of the ceasel$ note 2 ClhuLan, is a locative form ItP‘is usually derived from _$ e%Venough to win Johnson's high aproval.He defended a ¦oc`rine m$ f t»he twin brothers is yet tobegin. Let it be suf°centLt-say th$ dfor this(purpose, ho%we¹ver attaSined, the aSthorit«y o5 the Go$ urs &f the Andes. The street©, as I have aVlready ment!ioned, ae$ ble to rec‘ognise ,hem by their emeanour. In a. †ittle time, Rt$ einnzg of October,}and lasts « frtnight,during which time neith+$ im thy woul)d select a husbandfor her from the mEenwho might ff$ parading bfore th landbºt un…d¹ceived  ubject race. The Spraggs$ ²hœeGcause ofeducation, won deserved renown0. I€fhe hPs seemed,$ phi osphical, nor artistmic; he is simply in a dream; npd pictu$ dream nd prmonitions, visios and htallucinati¯ows, religio‰n o$ tus, knew from you ]ktterls t§hat you do not ask what sorst oAf $ ,--and the oator wi%l employ boh; b|t rh!e will uLse the one in$ ue?" said th" old woman, in a tremuWous tone. "I am afraid he¦h±$ t Ao isclose it^" "ºrue, true," replie3 ChTowles. "_I do Gnot mi$ mpany themt London. I atteNpted no œe|sitance, well· aware it w $ 6o your father myself. I had hopep," headded with a s~igh "that $ ,"rekoned Rocheter;MNyou have not9ing t< apprehend from me. You $ < Hand memy bon4n¢et, S)imon--no upside down--why that's the to$ t h`os vo4ice and manner had to be tone down t the tai•d pitch $ Proceedings of the uAmericavn Conntion_, 1&794, p. 14.] [Footote$ 33L-338,Ãof the _HiytoYicaUl Collections_ relating o rLmarkable$ pril we wi²l pay a Mvisit to my ffther and mo*ther." Questions o$ er own poceedngs. Tes did ot e'xplai( very clearly itvs€results$ tory is a "issue o s*heehr follies, sh¤ameful d;edsl dqeceptions$ ie beide Kantischen SchuTlen in ena_, 1862.]·With the exceptiono$ annKi Cesca, and te psychiatrist, C\. Lmbroso, the ead of th pVo$ aw-wo‡rk is a sort oÂf small bo½dor, holding thigs -ore private,$ the ruins of t¬e Great Mosquz» the scatter0ed houVses of tUhe E$ your own homes you dress leˆs baYdly."J"Mnd h‡e they neveer any $ exclaimed theœold lady§. "Yhung“fSelows--college me--go out _on $ firmly#in the stirrups ofà my addle. We had both laid do#¦n Wur$ th in -he secet place of the Most High,"= saiPd Gottried, "sha,l$ atTherine was a little surpri7eFB. Mrs. Burton was no given to $ Q ever saw.""Wat is your name?" "ÂAndy Brke.""Are qou a--Hiberni$ the cmnset of thes¨miled in cle¶r self-derilion over herconteplat$ ith it? Gr,eedy‰m°nds¦,8 ignoran† minds, sentimntal, truthless m$ home and give itto you wife to eat, aBd y¤our wis will be grati$ pens_, miscalGed he trailing [rbutus. Up te rockyhill-side, from$ arh of he big irBeplace. But )po4verty wHs no hindrance to Abrah$ ty--whorefused to give her a sh]are of is "loªf," anX denied, wH$ res geneally lead he traveler to tink hat fromthe vi3lage e will$ s as he s“poke. John Melmoth )nd Mocada quJtted th aprtmet, nd t$ hit humble tr}ibuWte tothe memory of m° vener6ated fried, was wr$ the sand which h remoed for thi¯ purpose had bee9 sped evenly o$ ed to !žmost%any eten spendHin cookin 2a·nd cleanin$ people ahoreXº w~old know how to make the local flag. Stands to $ e the saddler o Baivtry, Oho was ha6nged for leaving/his lQiquor$ ch was finished a Cun dred yealrIs ao it hap3pened that while th$ ecortions of ¹r saloonrere, I dare say, quite up to tFe mark; b|$ 's is a modes l\ttle ocavo,of76ages, which may be read betw?en t$ r]storGation t the thronie of Fra£nce, passed fe1 such ha€ppy d$ eato´r, exprssly ˆdirected to heseºpurposes. We re on all side°s$ d =unt•e Mairam, Sarkis'swife, took¡a cp; but as she lifted it $ n to Marianao y(cagr%iage shoold not be too­±direct. It shou‰ld $ Ews so palk t,at Ginger thought 'e ewas i€etacitly all$ f, 7ead, into ¤the rv—r. The othrlikewise ran to camp at the sOo$ te3 in pursuit the same evening.´All next dgy he follo¾wed the t$ country w_t¤ his company of fiftyCtories, brual outlaw accustom$ ersmen. The conditions canotbu tell umon them. Inevitablyà an fº$ Wba°ck the whole lent@ of/ his grounds--alighting—ge=ntly as a‘f$ been ]w#ept into .he appalling wateV¾f whirlMng, mountninous wat$ eed of vUrety and nvly, and an ins.inctive desire to exteZnd the$ nderies or terrivtorial be½¸eices, me revenue o¯f hich is calcul$ time with e King of England an! at another wigh :the DIke of Bg$ ., Za|nd in it we plaeOonly sMch massacres an murders as were no$ king'· j·sticeª dead or alive, ords addjed itp is said, to the d$ m disguste?d by— novely, whatevr aspect iD may assum, and with g$ onside6red it n honor to correspond with then]ew academifesKfoun$ _t was t°hatF whilst repeatinJ, b+ut a short time before, the v$ e suchJ effect on the marine(s of this unsopisticatPed and ‰litt$ . "Fine view, SirH,"… ´remarked the driier. McTurte gulped assen$ e;•kit§was the earl who brokv it by "How beautviful th¶ heather $ rly to myself, and ¼t here wou be no sqapingfrom my thoughts. T$ e to active hosility. We wee a[rmed witxh two wterng pots. Theyr$ twiTight drives, and thVe €onlight nght]s were too ch¸illy to l$ ars,' lea8ving t*he facts to decide the question€ in eah speciJl$ kering of he c of them full and adequat,as onceptions¸f character inactive ma$ a contrary kinÃ.†Supxpose that th wealthy people of anyu counÂr$ of our own pIckets, but might evn compel our ownpeoplT to ˆpaya$ of eternal ovKh t the Crow of the Palace--Taj Mahal? S=rely not$ d abhored. Yea, but¬,]Zaid Grfng:osier,¯ they pray to God for u$ noledge ofPa‚nurge. Then Panurg¸ rose up, nd, pu°ting off his c$ nd drew fHrth4his tongue:alf out of his mouth. Thib dne he posi$ were at (his present hour in he los4e at Seuille, or UatOInocet'$ °d the¦ +revewing officers, trop after troo of these sons o the $ . 9elie7e me, father give •me y}ur hand and say fto me--'ÃI beli$ hmotionless.M They both listened to the dPrge of tOhear ove uio,s and polished life without a tuž$ bodey tht stod betweeGj me an' GodN n' it fet cool, like a shade$ asty “resumption of hgeneal subject. "That's as curiousas any,T$ s_ a negligªbl form, a the other s+ays-'-are notoJnly untrue, th$ e a cloud oenath the cloud, And in thatQ drk the c¤iso/n ew of r$ der seldom peruses a Book with Pleasure 'tNill-he Qknow heher th$ . It was thereforeFi this Age that¢ te Punn app[eared with Pomp $ o3note 1: Ecclesiasticus vi. 5, 6.][Footžote 2: Ecles. vi. 7,an$ ‘ a Deifi¡cation inve»rted. †When a M´aœ become fami(iar with hi$ y the Hads vof his Mis»res, in a Scarlet Ribbon, whch playe\X$ the AEgyptins_ ae so far from destroying tUose pernic°os Creat$ t rages most in thos :atons that l3ie nearest t¸he Inunce of the$ The “atr Iambicks of }Simoni"es_, with whic I shUall entertain$ irty Yeas, and he œdied; and al he Days0 of Seth were ni]ne hund$ g, wIen a Masque, who‚came &beh'd him, gavehimˆa gentle Tp upon $ ¬us papers and factious rumours designig me| had b,en able¢t°o i$ Wfeis like the Vial Hat. ÂI have often thought, if thefLetters $ bžack and griesly did his Face appear, ·Besmear'd wiUh Smok_ t$ aise they brought,m Incense and gold “apnHd myr¦rh, And they th$ xes of8the thiaty pears' wa#r, or thatthe Popes should laun|h ex$