Perlen der Informatik IV
- Dozent:
Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann
Dr. Riko Jacob
Dr. Martin Sachenbacher
Dr. Alexandros Stamatakis
Dr. Christian Urban
- Modul:
- Bereich:
2 SWS Spezialvorlesung im Grundstudium
- Zeit und Ort:
Do, 12:25-13:55 Uhr.
Mi, 10:15-11:45 Uhr.
Raum 03.11.18
- Schein:
Bei Interesse kann ein Proseminarschein erworben werden.
- Hörerkreis:
Motivierte und engagierte Studierende im 4. Fachsemester Informatik mit
überdurchschnittlichen Studienleistungen im ersten Studienjahr
- Voraussetzungen:
Stoff des ersten Studienjahres,
darüberhinaus sind lediglich eine gute Analytik und viel Kreativität
- Empfehlenswert für:
Teilnehmer am Begabtenförderungsprogramm der Fakultät
- Inhalt:
Die Nachwuchsgruppenleiter an der Fakultät für Informatik
stellen sich und ihre Forschungsrichtungen vor.
Die fünf Dozenten halten je 2-3 Vorlesungen zu den Themen
ihrer Nachwuchsgruppen mit dem Ziel die dort gestellten
Forschungsfragen vorzustellen, und die Faszination des
Themengebiets erahnen zu lassen.
Hier die Themen im einzelnen:
Dr. Christian Urban
"Correctness of Programming Languages"
Programming languages are the means by which every software
product is created. In the lectures we will cover latest
research results about verifying that programming languages
are correct. We will emphasize on formal techniques to study a
variety of programming language paradigms, including
functional and imperative. Time permitting, we will have a
look at mapreduce algorithms, which are inspired by functional
Dr. Thomas
"Design principles of the Internet"
The Internet is the largest machine humankind has ever
built. No one can control it, and no one fully understands
it. This lecture gives a brief introduction into the design
principles that shaped the Internet architecture from its
beginning in the 1970s until today. In particular we consider
examples for the scalable, self-organizing algorithms that
shall sustain the Internet's growth also in the future.
Dr. Riko Jacob
"Memory Hierarchy Optimal Matrix Multiplication-Programs"
The I/O model judges the quality of an algorithm for huge data
sets not by the number of CPU-operations but by the number of
page misses it incurs.
In this setting many traditionally trivial tasks start to
require real algorithms, for example to permute the elements
of an array, or more generally and stated in the linear
algebra way, to multiply a vector with a sparse matrix (SpMxV).
SpMxV is also a fundamental task applications, for example in
numerical solvers or in network analysis tasks like computing
Googles page rank.
By now the worst case complexity of SpMxV on a serial computer
is reasonably well understood.
In the project these insights are generalized to parallel
computers, the structure of concrete matrices is investigated,
and the found algorithms are considered from an algorithms
engineering point of view.
Alternatively, we could discuss some seemingly unrelated results,
one on Shunting Freight Trains and the other on finding the
predecessor in a sorted matrix (details of the problems will
be explained).
Here the focus would be on the uniting toolbox and why I think
of these results as beautiful.
Dr. Martin Sachenbacher
"Constraint programming and its role in self-aware,
autonomous systems"
Constraint programming (CP) has been called "one of the
closest approaches computer science has yet made to the holy
grail of programming": in CP, the user states the conditions
which restrict his freedom of decision, and a general purpose
solver is used to find solutions. After a short introduction to
basic constraint modeling and solution techniques, we present recent research directions, which aim at modeling user preferences and multi-agent
scenarios where not all decision variables are under the
user's control. We discuss how CP methods are
instrumental to build technical systems (autonomous space
probes, intelligent factories, smart buildings, etc.) that are
able to work properly without or with very limited human
intervention, even in the case of unexpected events and failures.
Dr. Alexandros Stamatakis
"Reconstructing Evolution"
This year we are celebrating Darwin's 200th birthday.
Therefore, a part of the lectures will be dedicated to the
reconstruction of phylogenetic (evolutionary) trees from DNA
sequences. This area of research spans a broad range of
interesting problems such as statistical modeling of
evolution, heuristics for NP-hard optimization problems,
discrete algorithmic problems on sets of bipartitions of
trees, and application of High Performance Computing
Techniques. After a brief general introduction to the field,
a couple of current research highlights will be discussed in
more detail, e.g., the currently fastest and most accurate
heuristic search algorithm for reconstruction of evolutionary
histories and a parallel implementation on the IBM BlueGene/L