Prof. Dr. Ernst W. Mayr
Dr. Volker Heun
4 lectures per week in
area III (Theoretical Computer Science)
advanced course
, topic algorithms
Time and Place:
Tue 8:30 - 10:00, lecture hall 1402
Wed 8:30 - 10:00, lecture hall 0601
2 hours per week exercises accompanying the lectures
Wed 10h c.t. - 12:00 , room S2225![](/images/new.gif)
Start: 10. May
Teaching Assistant: Jens Ernst
Course Certificate: To get a course certificate students must
get at least 40% on the homework assignments and
pass the final oral exam.
graduate students of computer science
students with computer science as minor
1st and 2nd year courses
Course Efficient Algorithms and Datastructures I advantagious, but not necessary.
Recommended for:
In-depth knowledge in topic Algorithms
- Basic Concepts of Biology
- String Matching
- Pairwise Sequence-Alignment
- Multiple Sequence-Alignment
- Fragment Assembly
- Physical Mapping
- Genome Rearrangements
- Protein Structure Prediction
- Phylogenetic Trees
Related and Advanced Lectures:
Efficient Algorithms and Datastructures I
Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures II
Lecture Notes:
Not available.
M.S. Waterman:
Introduction to Computational Biology: Maps, Sequences and Genomes
Chapman and Hall, 1995
J.C. Setubal, J. Meidanis:
Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology
PWS Publishing Company, 1997
D. Gusfield:
Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology
Cambridge University Press, 1997
Office Hours:
look here