Department of Computer Science at the Technische Universität München
Chair for Efficient Algorithms
Postal address: 80290 München; Premises: Arcisstr.21, 80333 München

Basic Algorithms (SS 98)

* Lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Ernst W. Mayr
Dr. Michal Mnuk

* Area:
3+2 lectures per week in complementary studies
compulsory course

* Time and Place:
Tue 10h c.t. - 12:00, lecture hall 1100
Wed 12h c.t. - 13:00, lecture hall 2760

* Exercises:
2 hours per week exercises accompanying the lectures
Wed 14h s.t. - 15:30, lecture hall 1100
Teaching Assistant: Ulrich Voll
Course Certificate: To get a course certificate students must (criterion will be announced)

* Audience:
students in computer science (compulsory studies)

* Prerequisites:
Elementare Grundkenntnisse in Informatik

* Recommended for:
Fundamental knowledge in topic Algorithms

* Contents:
  • Sorting
    Bubble-Sort, Merge-Sort, Heap-Sort, Quick-Sort, Radix-Sort, Median-Algorithms, Lower Bounds
  • Searching
    Hashing, Search Tress, String Matching
  • Graph Algorithms
    Transitive Closure, Shortest Path Problems, Minimum Spanning Trees
  • Algorithms for Artithmetic Problems
    Multiplication of Integers, Matrix Multiplication

* Lecture Notes:
Unfortunately, the lecture notes are no longer available, since they have been published.

* References:
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest:
Introduction to Algorithms
MIT Press, 1990

* Office Hours:
look here
